Hakkında C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri

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ArrayList: ArrayList dershaneı, değişici boyutlu ve nesnelerin bir koleksiyonunu saklamak karınin kullanılır ve IEnumerator ile elemanlarına erişim sağlamlanabilir.

In case of IEnumerable, only lines up to the element of interest will be read from the file. In case of ToList call over the enumerable, the entire file would be read before even starting the search.

Different implementations of collections emanet be enumerable; using IEnumerable makes it clear that what you're interested in is the enumerability, and not the structure of the underlying implementation of the collection.

If on the second house, I decide to alter the price (say add one million dollars to the price) - the entire list would change (the order is now different). "one at a time" and "all of them right now" are two different things.

This will create a new list element for each element in memory, enumerating the IEnumerable and is thus less performant if you only enumerate once - but safer and sometimes the List methods are handy (for instance in random access).

Basically it has a method to get the next item in the collection. It doesn't need the whole collection to be in memory and doesn't know how many items are in it, foreach just keeps getting the next item until it runs out.

Velhasıl… Yapmış olduğumız bu teamüllemler neticesinde “Personeller” klasımız, içerisinde bir “Personel” veri kümesi barındıran ve bu data kümesi üzerinde itere edilebilir bir nitelik bildirme fail bir klas C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır mahiyetindedir.

ServyServy 203k2727 gold badges342342 silver badges458458 bronze badges 1 @Jay thanks, just noticed that when re-reading.

Usually you don't use IEunumerable directly. It is the base class for a number of other collections that you are more likely to use. IEnumerable, for example, provides the ability to loop through a collection with foreach.

I do have one question though. In C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır the first example you loop over the array using foreach but then you cannot do it in the second example. Is this because the array is in a class or because it contains objects?

" C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır This is false, because the where clause is getting called on an IEnumerable and that only knows how to loop through objects which are already coming from the database. If you made the return of AllSpotted() C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri and the parameters of Feline() and Canine() into IQueryable, then the filter would happen in SQL and this answer would make sense.

Yukarıdaki hatada Calisan klasının bir GetEnumerator sineermediğini belirtiyor. Kısaca buradan da şu çıkarımı yapabiliriz;

user541686user541686 208k132132 gold badges547547 silver badges911911 bronze badges 3 i also used this and was loooong happy.

The most important thing to realize is that, using Linq, the query does hamiş get evaluated immediately. It is only run birli part of iterating through the resulting IEnumerable in a C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır foreach - that's what all the weird delegates are doing.

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